The PackageHub Business Centers Story

Our Story

Our Story

From the waves of ecommerce, PackageHub Business Centers® was born.

Strength In Numbers

United We Thrive

In March 2020, as the world faced the onset of an extraordinary global pandemic, PackageHub Business Centers® launched with the signing of our first franchisee. Despite the global economic slowdown, we defied expectations, expanding our network from a solitary member to an astounding 300 in just six months.

Although our pace decelerated slightly in 2021, our expansion in strategic partnerships and digital platforms was nothing short of phenomenal. As trailblazers in the retail shipping industry, we actively engaged in industry events, enhanced our nationwide marketing efforts, welcomed new partners, and expanded to an impressive 700 franchisees.

The remarkable growth and thriving partnerships we’ve experienced in our initial three years can be attributed to the dynamic community of retail shippers across the United States. Their steadfast confidence in PackageHub’s vision and delivery has been the driving force behind our success, catapulting our franchise to over 1000 locations in just five years.

As we move forward, PackageHub remains committed to pioneering innovation and excellence in the retail shipping sector. Our journey thus far has been marked by rapid growth and strategic achievements, but we believe this is just the beginning. We continue to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, with a focus on fostering enduring partnerships and expanding our community.

PackageHub is the protector of the little shipping shops, the small guys, the underdogs — because PackageHub believes that Mom & Pop shops have always been, and always will be, the heart of every community.